Please contact Phillips & Paolicelli, LLP today to set up a free consultation at (855) 220-6770.


Certain chemicals used in factories and high-tech industries have proven to be dangerous for the workers exposed to them.  When working conditions are contaminated and workers are exposed, not only will the workers suffer cancers and disorders, but both genders may face reproductive harm as well.

Examples of birth defects caused by chemical exposure include:

  • The chips and boards manufactured by the semiconductor industry are produced with the help of etching materials, solvents, cleaning fluids, and ethylene glycol ethers. Chemicals such as these cause chromosomal damage, compromising a parent’s ability to have children.

  • The child of a mother exposed during or before her pregnancy is in danger of being directly injured or having damaged DNA, thus causing a birth defect.

  • Teratogenic chemicals are similarly harmful to sperm cells and the cells that produce them. The damaged chromosomes that cause birth defects can even be passed along through a father exposed to chemicals.

Epidemiologists have studied the chemicals used in the semiconductor industry, and they have found strong connections to an array of birth defects, including: heart defects, cognitive impairment, blindness, and missing or deformed organs, to name just a few.

The lawyers at Phillips & Paolicelli , LLP work closely with leading scientific and medical experts, and go to great lengths to remain up-to-date on the most recent research developments.  Our lawyers have the skills and time and again and have collected the necessary evidence to determine whether a child’s birth defect stemmed from his or her parent’s occupational exposure.

If chemical exposure and birth defect are closely linked, that child and his or her parents likely have a claim against the companies that produce – and the companies that employ – these teratogenic chemicals.